Oh my, 2025. Here we are. Who are we now? What is it like living in such uncertainty?
Because we are. We can’t ignore it or pretend otherwise like we often want to do.
Change is in the air and it is happening quickly. What can we do to keep ourselves sane and grounded?
The answer as I know it is in our bodies. We have to tune into ourselves and our feelings and our needs… minute by minute sometimes. As anxiety or overwhelm wants to overtake us, we have to check back into ourselves. We need to breathe. We need to eat healthily. We need to listen to the tension in our necks, the noise in our heads, the messages in our gut. Are we comfortable? Do we like the offer or option in front of us? Do we need to make some changes to our office or our home? Does what my husband or wife or partner or sibling or friend or boss say upset us? Are we feeling respected? Is this something we want to do? Is this something we may not want to do but know we need to do?
In other words, we need to go back inside of us and trust our instincts and feelings. Our insides, our bodies need to become our grounding force. We need to learn to trust ourselves. We have the power to slow things down; most of the time.
So listen to your inner voices. Become your own grounding force.
If you would like help with this process, please reach out and set up a session. Gail@bodypresencing.com. 314-9959755.
And pick up a copy of my book if you are so moved; Therapist’s Daughter. The link is on my website, www.bodypresencing.com., and on Amazon and B and N.
Gail Cloud, D.C.
Healing the Root of the Matter
BodyPresencing; be-ing through presence